Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.
Hi, welcome to my shop. I have been a primary teacher for 34 years and have a wide range of experience in different roles. I have been a senior leader in schools and most recently a SENDCO for 10 years. I am posting resources that I think will be helpful for SENDCOs, class teachers or even parents and home educators. I am new to this - so please do send reviews to help me improve - or requests if there is something you think I might be able to create that you would find helpful.
These social story comic strips are designed to provide a way to help explain regular aspects of school life.
Situations covered include:
Going to school
When it is time for assembly
When I need a break
When there is a fire drill
Kind hands
Going on a school trip
Self-care at school
When it is time to go home
Way to help myself feel calm again.
Personal space
Home learning
There are also blanks so that students and staff can develop their own scenarios relevant to their experience and a good conversation skills aide memoire.
These have been specifically designed to be one page of A4. They can be printed for students to have in school – or for them to take home and share with parents. Each one could be printed as it is needed – or they can be printed and stapled together in a booklet to give students a reference they can use independently.
These are also designed with students in KS2 and KS3 in mind and so include imagery and language that would be more age appropriate than many of the social stories that use an early years style pictures.
It is often recommended that schools implement an approach based on zones of regulation with students to support them in developing better self-regulation skills. This booklet has 3 versions of a 4-zone chart to help students identify how they are feeling. The first is the usual style of poster with feelings zones and suggested strategies that might help if you are feeling that way.
However, often the students who most need this approach are those who struggle to identify and name their feelings. They are also those who are presenting with the most challenging dis-regulated behaviours in school. To help those students – there are two further posters which have an additional layer of information. They list what the student might be doing because of their feelings to help make it easier for them to be guided to select appropriate strategies.
The booklet also includes a range of other resources that can be used in implementing a supported self-regulation approach. It includes:
Zones of self-regulation poster – standard version.
Zones of self-regulation poster – detailed version.
Zones of self-regulation poster – short, detailed version.
Zones of self-regulation bookmarks.
Zones of self-regulation – simple and visual strategy chart.
Zones of self-regulation – lanyard cards/ pocket cards.
Zones of self-regulation planning sheet.
Zones of self-regulation : tracking my week.
Zones of self-regulation strategy sheet.
Red Zone time out cards to use as a silent signal when students are in this zone.
Zones of self-regulation pyramid template.
Calming activity cards.
Movement break cards.
Links to further information and resources.
A pack to support the use of this picture book with primary age children – the main pack is aimed at students in Year 2/3 but it includes 4 additional activities to use with older students in Key Stage 2.
Please note this pack does not contain a copy of the text but has a link to buy it from the publisher or Amazon. It is a beautifully illustrated book that warrants sharing with students.
Includes comprehension, vocabulary, and retelling activities as well as craft tasks.
• Cover study activity.
• Recall and retrieval comprehension – in two versions for sentence answers or with multiple choice options.
• Inference and prediction questions.
• Vocabulary activities – at two levels for the same words from the text, one including visuals to support students.
• Retelling as a story board activity – at two levels, one including sentences to scaffold.
• Christmas activities – design a stained-glass window and make a Christmas star .
• PSHE and design activity to think about the difference between needs and wants, noting the key things that the family in the story might need.
• For older students, you will find an activity relating to the work of War Child (the charity that is supported by sales of the book), an activity relating to right respecting PSHE knowledge, a retelling in a journalistic style activity and a detailed vocabulary study based on the title of the book.
It is often recommended that schools implement an approach based on zones of regulation with students to support them in developing better self-regulation skills. This poster set has 3 versions of a 4-zone chart to help students identify how they are feeling. The first is the usual style of poster with feelings zones and suggested strategies that might help if you are feeling that way.
However, often the students who most need this approach are those who struggle to identify and name their feelings. They are also those who are presenting with the most challenging dis-regulated behaviours in school. To help those students – there are two further posters which have an additional layer of information. They list what the student might be doing because of their feelings to help make it easier for them to be guided to select appropriate strategies.
Take a look at the booklet in my shop if you would like more resources and support to implement supported self-regulation.
Would you like to give your class or tutor group some ideas of how they can be kinder to each other in 2025?
Use this Random Acts of Kindness challenge to do just that. I gives 25 ideas of little things that students can do that will build a positive ethos in the classroom and build a kindness culture in your classroom.
A simple worksheet for students to think about friendship and love linked to Valentines Day. Gives them space to draw a friend and a person they love e.g family member. They are asked to write about their friend and select words beginning with the letters to create an acrostic style piece of writing about the person they drew in the heart shape.
New for Stress Awareness Month - April 2024. This visual and concise guide will provide a script to help scaffold positive ways to process anxiety for students. This might be used with support initially but hopefully will be something some students can progress to using independently over time. Can be printed and stuck in the front of a study diary or home school link book as may be useful for parents to use with students at home for consistency of approach.
This booklet contains a range of activities to support the preparation for transition to secondary school and includes pastoral as well as academic preparation activities. There are specific pages to address:
Reading a timetable
School uniform
Canteens and money
Staff at secondary school
Induction day
Dealing with worries and anxiety
Preparing for conversations
Study skills including listening, reading, note taking and writing up as sentences
Target setting for the first term
Links to sources of support online
Could be used with individuals, groups or a cohort. Print and use the pages appropriate for your students.
This is a simple record card that can be used to implement a behaviour plan with a specific student.
It includes:
target setting
a timetable tracking record
record of any agreed reward
a weekly review
next steps plan
It can easily be printed on A4 and folded to make a simple card that can be kept in class or taken to different classes by the student.
A simple activity for students to record 3 aims they have for 2024. The prompt suggests they try and set aims in different areas of their lives and gives examples for learning, personal development and social aims.
This is a simple PSHE/ RE activity that shares 4 of the qualities the dragon is said to embody in the Chinese Zodiac. It asks students to think how they might demonstrate these qualities and also to record a wish for the year.